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The term “hacker” has a dual usage in the computer industry today. Originally, the term was defined as:
A person who enjoys learning the details of computer systems and how to stretch their capabilities—as opposed to most users of computers, who prefer to learn only the minimum amount necessary.
One who programs enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.
“hacking,” which was used to describe the rapid crafting of a new program or the making of changes to existing, usually complicated software.
What is ethical hacking?
Identifying risks and vulnerabilities is crucial to preventing exposure of
Sensitive data, as well as for protecting the corporate reputation.
Defining hacker
Hacker is a word that has two meanings:
(white-hat) hackers
(black-hat) hackers.
(white-hat) hackers
Hacker is someone who likes to tinker with software or
Electronic systems. Hackers enjoy exploring and learning how computer
Systems operate. They love discovering new ways to work electronically.
(black-hat) hackers.
Someone who maliciously
breaks into systems for personal gain. Technically, these criminals are
Crackers (criminal hackers). Crackers break into (crack) systems with
Malicious intent. They are out for personal gain: fame, profit, and even
Revenge. They modify, delete, and steal critical information, often making
Other people miserable.
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